Timber - Our raw material

Vital and robust: Timber from the region

Timber – all around perfect

East Tyrol is green, a veritable paradise of trees. When our purchasers view the trees in the woods along with foresters and the landowners, they are always impressed with the natural power emitted by these streamlined giants. They appreciate the peace and quiet of the forest so much. Our purchasers look from trunk to trunk, checking the suitability of each trunk of mountain timber for sawing based on their years of experience. Only the strongest timber passes muster. After the choice is made, state-of-the-art technology ensures everything moves quickly. This fine-grained round timber is felled in an environmentally friendly manner, maintaing the woods for future generations. Using only as much as can be regrown is a fundamental principle at THEURL.

Regional timber – exceptional quality

Selection criteria

A strong, healthy tree that has grown slowly is precisely what is needed for top-quality timber products. We prefer fine-grained spruces, larches, or firs for sawing our round timber.

We use timber from our local forests

Whether spruces, firs, or larches, Theurl appreciates the quality of local forests and trusts the expertise and care of forest staff.

Find your contact person in your region.

Hannes Theurl
Head of Roundwood purchasing
Roundwood purchasing Italy
+43 664 4038925     
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Gerhard Gomig 
Roundwood purchasing and logistics Austria

+43 664 5323350

Jonas Strobl
Roundwood purchasing and logistics South Tyrol

+39 342 065 0462
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